Nick DeMello

JKDo™ .com

Art is exploration, expression, and creation through manipulation of a chosen medium. It is seeing what can exist, and then by craft and force of will pulling that vision through the looking glass -- to make it real. What's distinct about the martial arts is our chosen media. The canvas on which we paint, the clay in which we craft, is ourselves.

Combat challenges who we are to a depth and with an urgency that makes it an effective tool at burning away comfortable illusions and learned weaknesses. Martial practices are the brush we use to shape, and the kiln in which we temper, our works. I study the martial arts to explore and understand the articulation, musculature, and reach of my body. To build subtle strength in newly discovered muscles and develop effective rhythms and reliable balance. I study the martial arts to challenge, define, and develop my judgement, temperament, and preconceptions. I study the martial arts to improve myself, to maintain my health, and to be happy.

JKDo, this site, and related resources exist as a gathering place for me to collect, contemplate, and share what I learn. I hope you find them useful.

Copyright Nick DeMello 1992-2025